Nesta segunda (22), Franklyn apresenta um novo programa chamado Novas Ideias Transforma o Futuro, este programa é indicado para todas as idades, ainda não foi repassado maiores informações sobre como funciona, mais deveremos saber nos próximos dias mais sobre este programa.
Logo do programa NOVAS IDEIAS TRANSFORMA O FUTURO criado em 22 de outubro de 2024 por Franklyn Souza.
2 Responses
When I saw you presenting the project for the first time, I knew it would be a good choice. Today, it has become a program that many people are interested in. The New Ideas Transform the Future Program has a lot of potential. I hope that when the program is at the international level, we can have your license to have it here as well.
It would be very cool for you to work together on this program, because there are several ideas and opportunities, we don’t know exactly who Hugo is, but we know who Franklyn is, he was one of those who helped our project get back on track ❤